Pastor Survives Attempted Shooting At Church

( – In a harrowing incident at a Pennsylvania church, Reverend Glenn Germany narrowly escaped a potentially fatal attack during his Sunday sermon, thanks to a fortuitous malfunction of the assailant’s firearm. The episode unfolded at Jesus’ Dwelling Place Church in North Braddock, a quiet suburb of Pittsburgh, where the congregation witnessed a scene that shook their community to its core.

The service was proceeding as usual when Bernard Polite, a 26-year-old man, entered the church and made his way towards the pastor. Surveillance footage captured the chilling moment Polite raised his arm, pointing a gun directly at Reverend Germany. Just as the pastor dove for cover behind his lectern, the gun clicked but failed to fire, a malfunction that may have saved his life.

The quick-thinking actions of Deacon Clarence McCallister were pivotal. He sprinted up the center aisle and tackled Polite, allowing other congregants to help subdue the assailant. Amidst the chaos, Reverend Germany bravely approached, took the weapon from Polite, and ensured it was secured.

As the authorities arrived and took control of the situation, Polite was arrested and taken into custody. The subsequent investigation by the Allegheny County Police Department’s homicide unit led to a disturbing discovery. Another man, 56-year-old Derek Polite, was found dead from gunshot wounds at his home in North Braddock. Police have not disclosed the relationship between Bernard and Derek Polite, nor have charges been linked to Derek’s death at this stage.

In an interview with CBS News, Reverend Germany recounted the traumatic experience, expressing profound gratitude for his survival. He believed divine intervention played a role. “I’m so grateful. You know, he shot. You can hear the gun click,” Germany recalled. The pastor described the surreal moment of staring down the barrel of a gun, initially mistaking Polite’s intentions, thinking he might have come to speak to someone else at the service.

After his arrest, Polite conveyed remorse to Reverend Germany and made a startling confession about his mental state, suggesting he was compelled by voices in his head instructing him to carry out the shooting. These revelations came during police interrogations where Polite mentioned that divine commands led him to attempt the assassination of the pastor, hoping incarceration would provide him with a respite and clarity of mind.

Bernard Polite is currently facing multiple charges, including attempted homicide. He has been denied bail and remains in custody at a Pittsburgh jail, with a preliminary hearing scheduled for the following week.

The community, still reeling from the shock, has rallied around Reverend Germany, offering support and prayers for all involved in this unsettling episode. The investigation continues as authorities piece together the motives and connections behind the day’s alarming events.