Sixty Cops Show Up To Miami Mall Because of ‘Alien’ Creature

( – A tumultuous incident unfolded at Bayside Market Place in Miami on Monday night, drawing over 60 police vehicles to the scene. The situation arose when law enforcement sought to disband a gathering of juveniles armed with sticks, resulting in a display of blue and red flashes around 10:30 pm at the open-air shopping mall.

City officers were deployed for crowd control as the juveniles resisted dispersal. Although there are no reported injuries or arrests at this point, the magnitude of the police presence, including numerous cars and officers, was necessary to regain control.

Simultaneously, a CBS Miami report indicated that later in the evening, a group of 15 young individuals assaulted a driver, potentially linked to the earlier marketplace altercation. Details on any arrests or the driver’s condition remain unclear.

The confrontations led to temporary closures of local businesses to facilitate law enforcement responses. Subsequently, the juveniles dispersed, and the majority of the police presence was withdrawn. Helicopter footage showcased the significant law enforcement mobilization, with at least 60 police cars on the scene.

Amidst these events, speculation and conspiracy theories emerged on social media, suggesting extraterrestrial involvement. A video circulating online hinted at a mysterious figure near police cars during the emergency response, fueling rumors of an “alien creature.”

However, Miami Police Department refuted these claims, asserting that the video merely depicted the shadow of a person walking, dispelling any notion of an extraterrestrial presence.

As the situation evolved, some social media posts propagated theories that the incident involved more than teenage disturbances, suggesting a potential cover-up.

Despite differing opinions, a spokesperson for the Miami Police Department clarified that the incident stemmed from a group of teens instigating fights, launching fireworks, and causing chaos at the mall.

In a subsequent update, it was revealed that two 15-year-old male teenagers face charges of burglary, third-degree grand theft, battery, and resisting an officer without violence. Two other teens, aged 14 and 16, were charged with resisting an officer without violence.

According to police reports, while escorting 50 juveniles out of the mall, law enforcement observed another group of 15 beating up a driver. Upon intervention, the teens fled but were later apprehended by police at a parking garage.