Hunter Biden Faces Decade in Prison

( – On Thursday, Hunter Biden faced federal gun charges as a result of the investigation led by Special Counsel David Weiss. The charges brought against Biden encompassed three counts: making a false statement during the purchase of a firearm, providing false information required by a federal firearms licensed dealer, and possessing a firearm while being an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

According to the indictment, dated October 12, 2018, in the District of Delaware, Hunter Biden knowingly provided a false and fictitious written statement during the acquisition of a firearm, specifically a Colt Cobra 38SPL Revolver with serial number RA 551363. The false statement was made on Form 4473, where he certified that he was not an unlawful user of, or addicted to, any stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance, even though he knew this statement to be false and misleading.

Furthermore, the indictment revealed that from October 12, 2018, to October 23, 2018, in the District of Delaware, Hunter Biden knowingly possessed a firearm, the same Colt Cobra 38SPL revolver, while being an unlawful user of and addicted to various controlled substances. This firearm had been transported across state lines.

These charges marked the first legal actions taken by Weiss, who had been granted special counsel status. It was initially reported by Fox News in 2021 that police responded to an incident in 2018 when a gun owned by Hunter Biden was discarded in a trash can outside a market in Delaware.

A source familiar with the October 23, 2018, police report disclosed that it indicated Hallie Biden, the widow of President Biden’s late son Beau and Hunter’s romantic partner at the time, disposed of the gun in a dumpster behind a market near a school earlier that month.

On the firearm transaction report, Hunter Biden had answered negatively to the question of whether he was an “unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance.”

Notably, Hunter Biden had been discharged from the Navy in 2014 due to a positive cocaine test.

These charges emerged after a previous plea agreement fell apart in July. Initially, Hunter Biden was expected to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax counts related to willful failure to pay federal income tax, as part of an arrangement to avoid a felony gun charge that could result in imprisonment. Ultimately, Hunter Biden pleaded not guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and one felony gun charge.

Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed Weiss as special counsel with authority over the Hunter Biden investigation and any other related matters that may arise.