Notebook of School Shooter Released


( – During the sentencing hearing of Ethan Crumbley, the Michigan teenager responsible for the tragic shooting at Oxford High School in 2021, excerpts from his journal entries and audio recordings were presented to the court. Crumbley had pleaded guilty to multiple charges, including four counts of first-degree murder, for killing Tate Myre, Justin Shilling, Hana St. Juliana, and Madisyn Baldwin, while injuring seven others.

In the audio recording played in court, Crumbley began by stating, “I am going to be the next school shooter.” Throughout the hearing, he kept his head down, and Judge Kwame Rowe was tasked with reviewing the evidence to determine whether Crumbley should be sentenced to life in prison without parole.

In his writings, Crumbley referred to himself as “evil” and expressed a desire for infamy through his heinous acts. Disturbingly, he mentioned wanting to hear the screams of children as he shot them and even contemplated drowning and harming them in other ways. Additionally, he revealed he did not plan on committing suicide-by-cop so that he could witness the suffering he caused.

Crumbley also described himself as a “demon” and expressed nihilistic views about life, education, and society. He wrote about his intention to plead guilty and spend the rest of his life in prison.

Regarding his parents, James and Jennifer Crumbley, they are facing involuntary manslaughter charges for allegedly buying a gun for their son. Prosecutors are advocating for a life sentence without parole for Ethan Crumbley, highlighting the severity of his actions and the meticulous planning involved in the shooting.

It was revealed that school officials had met with Ethan and his parents before the tragic event due to concerns over violent drawings he had made. However, the parents did not take immediate action despite the alarming content of the drawings, leading to questions of negligence.

During the hearing, Crumbley’s defense attorney argued against an irreparable corrupt label for the teenager, suggesting that he might be capable of rehabilitation.

The case has been one of immense tragedy and concern, as the court grapples with the devastating impact of the shooting and the complex factors involved in the young shooter’s actions.